Manual RedEye • February 23, 2013 •
Gallery: Manual’s Harlem Shake
Samantha Klein
On Friday, February 22nd, Ty Martin, (11) and a few others made plans to do the newly famous dance, “The Harlem Shake.” It was originally planned to take place in the Freshmen cafeteria during second lunch, but after Martin talked to Gregory Kuhn, a school administrator, they agreed that the new time and place would be 1:30 in the Senior cafeteria. About 50 students showed up and helped to create Manual’s Harlem Shake. Even Mrs. Lisa was in on the creation.
A handfull of students stay for a few more minutes to go over the video. Photo by JackBen Hatchen (12) and other seniors pack up their wild accessories. Photo by Jack Steele Mattingly.As soon as the footage is captured, students are told to head back to class. Photo by Jack Steele Mattingly.The members of the group in the back stand atop stacked chairs to be seen in the video. Photo by Jack Steele Mattingly.The recording starts and chaos immediately begins. Photo by Jack Steele Mattingly.Several seniors took charge in production and guided the group. Photo by Jack Steele Mattingly.Tyler Martin, (11) attempts to rally the students as they enter the Senior cafeteria. Photo by Sam KleinBen Hachten, (12) carries and umbrella and wears a catcher’s mask to stand out of the crowd. Photo by Sam KleinBradley Geary, (12) directs the group while filming the video. Photo by Sam KleinAdrianne Cameron, (10) is held up by a friend and brought to the top of the crowd. Photo by Sam KleinTyler Martin, (11) jumps to the front of the group and starts performing some crazy moves. Photo by Sam KleinTyle Wojciak, (11) laughs as he dances for the video and gets caught in the center of the group. Photo by Sam Klein