It’s no surprise to find any given Manual student painted up, screaming through the crowd at the Male/Manual game. There are, though, students who will not be seen.
There are those who aren’t going due to other events:
[quote]”I’m going to a play with my mom. I’m kind of upset. I really wanted to see the game, but my mom already had tickets,” Olivia Miler (9) said.[/quote]
[quote]I’m upset about missing it because it’s my last year. I’m going to work,” Jasmine Smith (12) said.[/quote]
[quote]”I’m going on a senior retreat. I didn’t realize it was going to be on the Male/Manual game,” Isabel Smith (12) said.[/quote]
Then there are those who are just not interested:
[quote]”I really don’t care. I don’t care to watch the football game and I don’t care for the social event implied by the game,” Kevin Schroll (12) said.[/quote] [quote]”I’m not interested in being shoved around in a crowd and people yelling about nothing,” Kendall Swann (10) said.[/quote]