Principal Wooldridge issued this statement today regarding the recent cyber bullying incidents regarding Manual students:
Dear Parents:
I, along with our Assistant Principals, Counselors, teachers and support staff feel the need to ask for your help regarding a specific issue. It has come to our attention that there has been an increase in cyberbullying recently. While this type of behavior may seem trivial and harmless to students, we know that in reality both perceived and real harm can occur leaving lasting effects on a person’s self-esteem and reputation. As a result, we are asking that parents speak with their student(s) as soon as possible about the following information.
JCPS defines cyberbullying as: The use of technology to degrade or humiliate another person or group. This includes using mean, vulgar, or threatening email, Instant Messaging (IM), humiliating text messages or digital images sent on mobile phones, and harassment on social networking sites, Web pages, blogs, virtual worlds, or interactive game sites. If a student is found guilty of cyberbullying, the minimum consequence is a short-term (1-5 day) suspension. An egregious offense or multiple occurrences can lead to placement in an alternative school.
Workshop presenters and yearly trainings remind school employees to check the web addresses of sites each of our own children visit at home and we encourage Manual parents to do the same. As I become aware of inappropriate sites, I will request that the JCPS technology department block them from view on JCPS computers. Every student at Manual High School is valuable, important, and full of potential and the safety of each one is our first priority. Thank you so much for your assistance with this matter.
Larry A. Wooldridge
duPont Manual High School