JCPS announced that schools will be closed due to road conditions on Wednesday, January 26. This snow day came the day after JCPS announced that students will be going to school on February 14th and March 4th to cut down on the days added to the end of the year. As of now, the last day of school has been set for June 2nd.
This is the fourth snow day for Jefferson County during the 2010-2011 school year. JCPS had closed school on January 20th and December 16th and 13th. An early dismissal was also announced on January 20th, based on severe weather warnings.
While the main roads were clear of snow when JCPS made its decision, many of the back roads were covered. The snow had mostly accumulated in the southern part of Jefferson County, a fact that contributed to JCPS’ decision, as reported in local news outlets. “We simply don’t need to be out there,” said Rick Caple (JCPS Director of Transportation) to WHAS 11 reporters.
Some students didn’t see any alarm from the condition of the roads. “I live in the city, so most of the streets downtown are clear. There’s hardly any snow on the ground. So to be honest, I don’t agree with them calling it a snow day,” said Rachel Doda (12).
“I don’t like it because it doesn’t help my Senioritis at all, ” said Colleen Robertson (12). “I was ready for this white day…I had stuff to get done for assignments.”
Other students were more enthusiastic about the snow day. “I’m happy it gives me yet another day off to catch up on homework, though I’m not exactly happy about having to stay in school until June,” said Taylor Townsend (12).
Parents of students were also divided on the decision. “I wish they would take into consideration the parents’ schedule as I know a lot of parents have to get to work and arrange for someone to look after their kids, especially parents of elementary school children,” said Maryann Strain.
Others supported the decision. “I am just glad I don’t have to drive my kids to school as the roads look pretty dangerous out there,” said Shannon Robertson.