Manual wrapped up their much anticipated Red/White Week with a pep rally to get pumped up for the Male v. Manual game on Friday.
This is the longest and most exciting pep rally for students and faculty at Manual.
The pep rally started at 12:58 and students joined in to sing the national anthem.
Students join in with the national anthem to start the pep rally off.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018
Things started off with a relay race win by the seniors and the sophomores taking the win for the pie-eating contest.
The sophomores win the pie-eating competition.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

The winning band of Ramstock then stepped up to perform.
The winners of Ramstock perform live.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

The anticipated Manual Dazzlers came onto the court to perform their routine.
The Dazzlers perform their set.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

After another competition win for the seniors, the junior and senior powderpuff cheerleaders began their performances.
The third competition ends in a win for the seniors.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018
Performances by the senior and junior powderpuff cheerleaders.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

There is a break after the performances to recognize Lily Gonzales (11, MST) as the first female winner of Iron Manual, a competition to see who can perform difficult tasks from every magnet in Manual.
Lily Gonzales makes history as the first female winner of the Iron Manual competition.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018
After rounds of sumo wrestling, the seniors win the competition.
The seniors are the winners of the sumo wrestling competition.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

Manual’s cheerleaders and step team collaborated on a special performance for the spectators.
The cheerleaders and the step team have a special joined performance.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

Athletic Director David Zuberer stepped onto the court to announce the future games and meets coming up for the fall sports in his traditional crimson red suit.
Athletic Director Zube celebrates a few of the other sports on their wins.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

Zube’s speech led to the cheerleaders leading the students in chants which started off the traditional Red/White cheers among the classes.
The cheerleaders lead the school in chants.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018

After the Red/White cheers and surprise freshmen win of the last competition, Manual principal Mr. Darryl Farmer sealed the pep rally off with awarding the senior class with the spirit stick once again.
The freshman take the win on the next competition.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018
Seniors celebrate after being awarded the Spirit Stick.
— CSPN Sports (@theCSPNsports) October 19, 2018