During winter break, MST students at Manual put the finishing touches on their Science Fair presentations in preparation for the project’s due date this month.
Science Fair presentations are due mid-January. Most teachers will require their students to include either a poster or a PowerPoint presentation to go along with their presentation. Research papers are also due along with the presentation.
Before the break, MST students were supposed to update their Science Fair information, turning in any data that was collected from their experiment or forms and papers that are needed. Earlier in the year, topic selection papers, background papers, and basic forms were due.
Since all of the forms were already due, this break could have been used to actually perform their experiment if they have not done so and gather their data. Although some MST students may have already completed their experiment prior to the break, many believed that this break gave them a chance to really finish their projects. “Science Fair is a lot of work, so it’s good that I had this break to work on my project some more. I’m glad it will be over soon,” Samuel Allen (11) said.