RedEye’s tips and tricks for finals week
Three students participate in a lab in Mr. Redies chemistry class. Photo by Bri Woods
December 7, 2022
Midterms are just around the corner and a week full of tests is something many students stress about. However, there are lots of resources that students can use to their advantage. Here are some tips and tricks that can hopefully make finals week a little bit less of a nightmare.
Stay organized
Making a list or schedule can keep studying and tests in order for the week. Even something simple like a to-do list or checklist can organize tasks that need to be done so nothing important is forgotten. Another option is making a day-to-day schedule, which allows students to maintain focus on the bigger picture, reducing stress. Once teachers announce what will be on their tests, it is important to stay on top of things to prepare successfully for every exam.
Work at a productive pace
When studying for finals one of the most unproductive things to do is procrastinate. Staying organized and using lists can prioritize what needs to be done so all studying can be completed in a timely manner. Most teachers also have study guides or study materials available. Cramming is not an effective strategy and it does not allow for retention of information.
“If I didn’t know it walking into school I won’t know it by the time I sit down to take the test,” Christina Nyguen (10, YPAS) said.
Healthy eating and sleeping habits
Eating properly is essential to brain health and being hungry while taking a test can be distracting. Eating well is also something that aids in critical thinking skills needed for tests. There are many energizing snacks that can easily be found in most pantries. Sleep is also an essential part of performing well on tests. Getting at least 8-10 hours of sleep helps to improve academic performance and stay focused.
Study with other people
Studying with friends or classmates in the same or a similar class can help make test prep a less daunting task. Studying can be easier with company, especially for people who don’t particularly enjoy it. Taking some time out of the day to try a new cafe, relax in a library or quiet space with one or more people can make studying more fun. Manual’s library is open during all periods of the day and for an extra hour after school, which provides a nice quiet place to study.
Try to not let stress get to your head
As a student, school is a big responsibility and can be quite stressful at times. But it’s not the end of the world- many teachers offer some form of remediation to help students’ grades, and the JCPS grading period doesn’t officially end until January; this gives students a chance to bump up a bad grade after break. It’s important to take a deep breath and just learn from mistakes.
Finals can be a stressful time so it is important to take advantage of the many resources offered at school and to find time for an outlet. There will be an altered schedule next week, which gives students more time to study and prep before finals. Only two class periods each day will offer a block for a final exam; there are no back-to-back tests.
Midterms Schedule
Monday- Blocks 1,2,3,4
Tuesday- Blocks 2,1,4,3
Wednesday- Blocks 2,1,4,3
Thursday-Blocks 1,2,3,4
Friday- Blocks 1,2,3,4