Manual football announces their 2023 fall schedule
The Crimsons watch their teammates from the sidelines during their playoff game against Fern Creek. Photo by Ava Blair
May 17, 2023
Manual’s football team has announced its upcoming 2023 fall schedule. Starting this season, there will be a new alignment for KHSAA teams lasting through 2026. Under this realignment, schools within KHSAA can stay within their class of play they previously had been or can request to play up to a different class. Manual is part of the 6A Class.
The realignment is used for teams to have the chance to increase level of play and competition within the state. New teams will play each other every couple of years.
Manual’s 2023 schedule features new teams including Eastern, CAL, Cincinnati Taft, South Warren and Meade County. Manual will host four games at home next season.
2023 Schedule:
Louisville Central HOME: August 18
Central Hardin AWAY: August 25
Cincinnati Taft AWAY: September 1
Eastern AWAY: September 8
South Warren HOME: September 15
CAL AWAY: September 22
St. Xavier HOME: October 6
PRP AWAY: October 13
Meade County AWAY: October 20
Male HOME: October 27