Hey Ohio Valley weather, make up your mind! It was 50º yesterday and today it’s 32º and snowy. I took these outfit pictures last week when the weather was nice.
I love the shorts + tights + really comfy shirt look because I can still be fashionable-ish and comfortable at the same time! I got the shirt from my boyfriend’s mom so I don’t know where she bought it, but you could probably find something similar at Target or Gap. I got the shorts from Forever21, the tights from Target, and the shoes from Urban Outfitters.
I got this dress at Macy’s last year, and the cardigan was a hand-me-down. The socks are from Target, I believe, and the shoes are from Urban Outfitters. I seriously get all my shoes from Urban Outfitters or thrift stores. Also, Target has the best socks/tights. They have especially great holiday themed socks.
This is my I-really-want-spring-really-badly-oops Valentine’s day too-cool outfit. I got the top at a clothing exchange, the skirt from Target, the tights from Forever21, and the shoes from Goodwill. Goodwill has the best shoes and Unique Thrift’s shoes are even better. I just love shoes and when I grow up I want to have an entire closet devoted to shoes.
This is my I-like-pink-white-and green- outfit. The cardigan and the shirt were hand-me-downs, the shorts are from my friend Eden, the tights from Forever21, and the shoes were from Acorn Apparel, which is a vintage store on Barett Ave in the Highlands. I encourage you to check them out, because they have a great selection of vintage pieces.
I feel like I look especially sweet and colorful in this outfit. The sweater is from Free People, the tank top from Forever21, the shorts from Hey Tiger (vintage store on Bardstown Road), and the shoes were a hand-me-down. I love heeled boots but I’m starting to not wear them as much because they’re really uncomfortable sometimes. I think I actually gave these boots away to Goodwill a few days ago. MAAAN. >:( Oh well, I never wore them and I just got new heeled boots that I will blog about another time.
This is my I-wear-shorts-in-winter outfit. The shirt has little cute flowers on it anad it’s actually a navy color. The shorts are originally from Old Navy but I found them at Goodwill. They’re wool and very cozy. The socks are from Target, and the shoes are from Acorn. I love mixing one splash of color with more drab colors like brown and navy. My favorite color combination is navy and seafoam green, though :3
Thanks for reading my blog and check back later for updates! 🙂