Last month, I was trying to find companies to freelance for, and I stumbled upon Their site practically memorized me, all of the beautiful articles of clothing that I could possibly use for a shoot. I emailed them through their contact page, and within a week I got a reply! The very kind ModStylist asked me how many pieces I’d like to shoot with, what sizes, and what kind of shoot I would be doing. She was very considerate of my ideas, and before I knew it a box was on my front porch containing 6 beautiful, wonderful amazing dresses for me to shoot with (and keep!)
My original idea for the shoot was to have a garden picnic, but I thought that was rather overdone. Also, the weather was supposed to be terrible on the day that I had the garden booked for the shoot. So, my solution had to be to shoot on the day before the planned date, and at a different location. One of the dresses inspired me to have the models sitting in the creek water of Big Rock (a picnic area in Cherokee Park.) Big Rock is close to my house, which is convenient, and it’s also very beautiful. At the shoot, I had the models wade in the water first, then submerge themselves up to their waists. It was an interesting—and cold—experience.
Here are the photos that I shot with the dresses. Thank you so much to Olivia, Alida, and Heather for being beautiful and modeling and getting in freezing water on the very first day of March. Thank you so much to Modcloth and Aire, the Modstylist who helped me so much. Last, thank you to my mom for buying my film :’)
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Joanne Weeter • Sep 1, 2012 at 12:44 pm
Your photos are amazing. Looking for an intern to do architectural photography, mostly in buildings that will soon be undergoing rehab. Contact me at [email protected]. Thanks