On May 14, the Spanish Club, sponsored by Ms. Ana Castro, elected class officers for the 2012–2013 school year. Juniors Brooke Harness and Hannah Oliver flipped a coin for the presidency after the current class officer was unable to choose between the two equally worthy candidates. Harness won the toss, claiming the position of President, while Oliver was chosen as Vice President.
“I really care about Spanish Club, and I want to make it even better than it was before,” Oliver said.
Four more new officers were also elected to join the ranks for the upcoming school year: Annie Roth (10) as Publicist, Mitch Hook (11) as Secretary, Sadaf Khodaparast (11) as Historian, and Maggie O’Daniel (11) as Treasurer. With Ms. Castro’s guidance, the new officers plan to bring success to next year’s club. “Spanish Club gives us a good way to enjoy the language,” Harness said. “Hopefully more people will begin to join, so that we can truly make even more out of it.”