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Comparing Notes: Beacon

Two Door Cinema Club
Released September 4, 2012

Lyrical Content: 6 out 10
Production Value: 8 out of 10
Favorite Song: Sun

Overview: Northern Irish band Two Door Cinema Club really delivered with their second album. They will have indie rockers guiltily bobbing their heads and snapping along with electronica fanatics humming infectious guitar riffs. TDCC is just a band that’s hard to dislike. The electronic/pop rock crossover band has a little something for everyone. Even if the romantic lyrics get annoying, the infectious dance club tunes, throbbing bass lines, lively drums, and smooth voice of singer Alex Trimble will suck you in. Lyrically and musically nothing is new in comparison to their first album Tourist History, but that’s not bad. They weren’t a band I expected to make leaps and bounds and progress from album to album. They are good at what they do. Why mess with a good thing? As I previously said the lyrics are simple and romantic so if you’re looking for profound philosophical content you may be disappointed. But on the other hand if you’re in the mood for a fun tune to be stuck in your head this album has 11 of them.

TRACK 1: “Next Year”

Beginning the album with an immersing electronic and transitioning into sappy lyrics of love and pop rock breakdowns perfectly sets the tone for the entire album.

TRACK 2: “Handshake”

This song has one of the choruses that are hard to forget, especially when accompanied by a wide range of upbeat, poppy instruments.

TRACK 3: “Wake up”

One of the most memorable songs on the album due to the interesting approach Trimble took of the vocals. Each word in the verses bleeds into each other for a fantastic effect. It’s also the first track on the album to showcase– even if it is in small amounts–guitarist Sam Halliday’s quick playing style.

TRACK 4: “Sun”

Lush instrumentation. “Dirty” guitar, outrageous bass, and singing horns all perfectly compliment Trimble’s fantastic cadence and voice. All together making this the single best song on the album.

TRACK 5: “Someday”

We immediately dive into a fury of blazing fast guitar in drums for one of the hardest rocking songs on the album. This song is like the anthem you imagine being played during a montage of people out on the town during a movie.

TRACK 6: “Sleep Alone”

Quickly transitioning from blazing fast electronic sounds and soft guitar may sound displeasing to the ear but on this track they pull it off seamlessly. The sad lyrics do not go with the music at all. But that makes for a cool experience.

TRACK 7: “The World is Watching”

Lyrically, a completely relatable song. The background vocals and fun, lively music make for an incredibly memorable song.

TRACK 8: “Settle”

The echoing vocals and happy music make this for a relaxing song. A fun poppy song appropriate for any time of day.

TRACK 9: “Spring”

One of my personal favorites because not only is it beautifully sung, the instrumentation seems carefully planned to give a specific effect or feel. And it definitely succeeds in doing so.

TRACK 10: “Pyramid”

The intro to this song is perfect. It adds layer after layer of instrumentation, making you longingly anticipate the beat to drop and when it finally does you are far from disappointed. It’s a very well put together song.

TRACK 11: “Beacon”

This song does a fantastic job of keeping you drawn into the album until the very last second. The long intro grabs your attention as a different sound than the rest of the album. A great way to cap off a very good album.

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