Principal Larry Wooldridge issued this statement to RedEye reporters:
“Biology teacher Carrie Shafer has resigned from her teaching position at duPont Manual High School. The administration is in the process of working with JCPS to find a Biology Certified Substitute.”
The principal has instructed the RedEye staff to make no further report on this issue.
UPDATE: Principal Wooldridge issued the following statement today:
Dear Parents and Students:
The administration and staff of Manual High School is committed to providing a sound academic environment for all students. Due to Ms. Carrie Shafer’s recent resignation, I am working with teachers in the science department to place a qualified teacher in the affected Advanced Anatomy/ Physiology and MST Biology classes. In fact, members of the faculty have stepped forward and offered to give up planning periods in order to cover classes so that high level instruction may continue. While I understand that some individuals may have concerns regarding this situation, I assure everyone that this matter is a top priority which will be dealt with immediately and that a break in instruction will not occur. I thank you for your patience and understanding during this time and encourage students and parents to contact the appropriate counselor, assistant principal or me directly with questions regarding the issue.