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Today's Tech: iPad Air

Today’s Tech: iPad Air

Why does Apple expect a slightly smaller tablet to be revolutionary? Do tech designers think that slapping “air” or “light” onto a name makes a product seem edgy and innovative? In close competition with the new Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet and the Windows Surface 2 tablet, Apple needed some kind of gimmick. In a heap of desperation to remind the world that Apple still exists in the tablet industry, they threw together the iPad Air.

What hardware companies aren’t understanding is that they are making a device. Yes, it is somewhat convenient to have that device fit a little more nicely into my hands or in my pocket or on my wrist. But at the end of the day, I really don’t care. I want to know about the processor, the potential for innovative new apps, the design of the display, the improvement of a camera or speakers, etc. Dropping the weight of the iPad by a few ounces is nothing. It is certainly not worth $499.

I’ve never been a tablet consumer in the first place, primarily because I would really only use one to play Angry Birds on the big screen. I never saw much purpose when laptops are just as functional, a little larger, and with so many more capabilities. If Apple is going to try and hook me as a tablet consumer, they’ll need to try something new – something creative. Sadly, innovation seems to have found its way off of Apple’s list of priorities.

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