Almost 2,000 students are enrolled at Manual so summer activities range from traveling around the world to hanging out around the city of Louisville. As summer is coming to an end, here is a recap of what students did this summer.
Nejla Zukic (11, J&C) traveled to Bosnia this summer with her family, to visit her home country and explore the culture.
“It was really cool to be able to travel to my roots and be able to live in my own culture for a big chunk of my summer. It is so beautiful and I can’t wait to go back,” Zukic said.
Jit Mukerji (10, HSU) traveled to Paris, France this summer with his family.
“It was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone who gets the chance,” Mukerji said.

Olivia Couch (10, HSU) traveled to Italy with her mom this summer, visiting Venice, Florence and Rome.
“[The cities are] so old so it was really cool to see how everything was built differently,” Couch said.
Bible and Beach (Daytona, Florida)
Bible and Beach is a week-long beach retreat for young people who are members Southeast Christian Church.
Colin Weaver (11, HSU) and multiple other Manual students are floating on a giant unicorn raft during a day break during Bible and Beach. Weaver makes an annual video as a recap of the week:
Forecastle (Louisville, KY)
Forecastle is an annual three-day music festival located at Waterfront Park in Louisville. Many popular artists are invited and people come from all over to watch them perform. With thousands of people attending, Waterfront is filled with food trucks and glitter from three days of partying.

“I’ve never been to a music festival before. I didn’t expect it to be so happy and exciting. The best part of Forecastle was seeing all of the smiles, and all of the stunning [out]fits. The entire festival was a surreal experience,” Harper said.
We laughed. We danced. We ate. We sang. But most importantly, we lived. #Forecastle 2018, you were good to us. ✨ Share if you were there!
?: Loch & Key Productions
?: @ColonyHouse – “You Know It”— Forecastle Festival (@forecastle) July 24, 2018
This video was taken in the third row during the Quinn XCII performance on Sunday, July 14.
Y-CORPS is a 6-month service journey that is kicked off by Y-CORPS Institute in February and ended with a service-trip around the region of your choice. Students enrolled must raise a certain amount of money, ranging from $500-$1,250, and do 50 hours of service work.
Marilyn Buente (10, VA) traveled with the YMCA on a service trip called Y-CORPS around the Bluegrass region.
They each raised $500+ for the @KYYMCA scholarship fund & performed 50+ hours of community service to go on a weeklong trip & do *more* service throughout the USA. I’m so thankful that I could meet these brilliant folks & see some of my best friends lead them along the way.
— Timothy Nwachukwu (@NwachukwuTim) July 24, 2018
Maggie Mitchell (12, J&C), Trevor Harry (12, HSU) and Skylar Carroll (11, J&C) went to the National Judicial Competition (NJC) in Chicago, Illinois this summer.
“NJC was a really eye-opening experience for all of us. We’d been doing judicial things in the state for a while, but never on a national scale. Our whole team bonded through the whole experience because of how challenging it was and it definitely made us all better debaters,” Carroll said.
Taylor Swift
On June 30, Taylor Swift came to Louisville on her Reputation Stadium Tour and performed at the Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium.

Featured image taken by Maddie Gamertsfelder.