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F.B.L.A. holds its annual Ice Cream Social, outlines changes in club for the year

Manual’s FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) club held its annual Ice Cream Social on August 31 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the senior cafeteria.The event, which drew about 125 prospective members, was held in order to generate interest in FBLA and disseminate information regarding this year’s changes to the club.Whereas the club formerly focused only on competitions, Manual chapter presidents Matt Garofalo and Kush Nijhawan plan to expand the club’s focus to include guest speakers and workshops as well.“All of the FBLA officers have been pretty excited too and are coming up with some really great ideas to help improve the organization,” Garofalo said.

Former Kentucky State FBLA Vice President Cameron Hesson gave a speech at the event on the benefits of the club and how it helped him through a rough patch in his life. According to Garofalo, Hesson had a very difficult time during his high school years, and credits FBLA with getting him back on track. “Before FBLA, I was shy, a terrible speaker, and clueless as to what I wanted to do with my life,” Hesson said. “From the time I was elected to the State Executive Council [in] April of 2009 to the time I retired two years later, FBLA… provided me with extensive knowledge about business management and financial literacy.”

According to Hesson, Manual’s FBLA chapter places “in the majority of Regional and State competitive events,” in addition to sending many students to national conferences each year. Hesson also said that many Manual students have held high-ranking officer positions within the organization, including, he said, “Kim-Mai Le as National Secretary, whom [he] was honored to work for two years with in Kentucky FBLA.”

“I really do feel that [FBLA] prepares… its members for the real world since we get the chance to learn about different business fields and can network with hundreds of other students across the country,” Garofalo said.

FBLA’s next meeting is September 28 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the senior cafeteria.

For more information about FBLA, visit the duPont Manual FBLA Facebook Page.

Student Life Editor, Manual Crimson Yearbook; Business Clubs reporter, Manual RedEye; Photographer, CSPN

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