Manual RedEye food drive results
March 7, 2020
Last semester ending on Dec. 20, 2019, Manual High School concluded its first food drive sponsored by the Manual RedEye staff. With the food drive closed and the donations tallied, the results are in.
Manual received 743 donations of canned goods and personal hygiene products. Mrs. Kathleen Geary’s (Math) classes took the lead with 316 of these donations.
The J&C magnet sponsors will be providing doughnuts to Geary’s classes on a date to be decided within the current grading period.
The food drive ran for six weeks beginning on Nov. 11 and ending the day before the holiday break.
A donation box was placed in every math classroom and each math teacher set a donation goal for their classes to meet within the six weeks that the food drive was open.
Whichever teacher had the biggest number of donations would win a doughnut party for each of their classes.
The original plan was to donate any donations we had at the end of the week on Friday to a local food pantry; there would be a new food pantry chosen each week of the six weeks the food drive was open.
However, between four day weeks, school trips and a lack of donations for the first three weeks of the food drive the plan changed to collecting all of the donations on the last day of the drive and donating them to one food pantry.
The donated items went to the St. Matthews Area Ministry during Winter Break, helping families keep donations rolling in after the holidays.