From service to fostering community: Manual’s honor societies explained

President of NHS, Aidan Sheridan-Rabideau inducts new members into the honor society. Photo courtesy by Christeen Florence.

Mandala Gupta VerWiebe

Students can easily be overwhelmed by the magnitude of extra-curriculars offered to them, and some miss out on the opportunity to join service societies that are beneficial to a college resume or to become involved in their community. From language-specific societies to ones geared towards art careers, there is something for everyone to join. 

National Honor Society

What is it?

The mission of the National Honor Society is to influence positive change within the larger community and foster students of strong scholarship, leadership, character and service. Once in the society, students are required to have 26 hours of service, 10 of them sponsored, and to attend two MAC tutoring service opportunities. They meet on the first Friday of the month in the Senior Cafeteria.

How do you join?

To join, sophomores and juniors interested must attend a mandatory interest meeting, (the 2020-2021 season ones already having passed) and pay a $25 fee. They require that students complete 12 hours before joining, have a 3.7 or above GPA, be involved in two other organizations, and have no disciplinary issues. Before joining their next fall semester, students must complete a summer service project.

National English Honor Society

What is it?

The mission of the National English Honor Society is to serve society by fostering literacy and to encourage ongoing scholarship in the fields of English. They require 15 hours per year with at least five of them being sponsored hours. They meet on the second Friday of every month.

How do you join?

In order to apply, students must be an incoming junior or senior and are required to pay a $15 fee. They must have had a 3.5 GPA in their English classes and have two teacher recommendations. The applications for the 2020-2021 school year are open now and due Feb. 7. Contact Ms. Williams, or find her in Room 352 for more information.

Science National Honor Society

What is it?

The mission of the Science National Honor Society is to spread science literacy. They require ten hours altogether with five of them being sponsored. They meet every other Wednesday in Ms. Moss’s room. 

How do you join?

Students must be at least a sophomore and pay a $30 fee to apply. They must have a 3.5 GPA in science and math classes, but there is no requirement that they must be in the MST magnet. The application season is in the first semester, so Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors can keep a lookout next fall for information on applications.

Tri-M Music Honor Society

What is it?

The mission of Tri-M is to raise money for music-based charities, gather a group of both academically inclined and musically inclined students and to have fun. Students are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA and do at least six service hours, three of which must be music related. The society meets once a month in the guitar room of the YPAS Annex one Tuesday a month. 

How do you join?

Students can join at the start of every semester, no matter their grade, and are required to pay a $6 fee. Students should reach out to Landon Vandergriff, Mr. Kagan, Brianna Rodgers or Max Rothman if interested in applying. 

A member of the Latin Honor Society writes on the chalkboard during a meeting. Photo courtesy by Reagan Reisert

International Thespian Society

What is it?

International Thespian Society is a student-led honors society aimed to expand arts education in the Louisville community through service. Their mission is to foster a deeper sense of community and academic achievement in the YPAS Theatre and Musical Theatre departments. As members, students are expected to be involved in YPAS and Manual productions. Each semester, members must complete five hours of theatre-related service. If a member is involved in a YPAS MainStage production, two hours are waived per production. They meet during the second half of Crimson Hour each month in Ms. Blackerby’s room.

How do you join?

Students must pay $15 but other than that, the only requirement to join the society is to have relevant theatre experience and to be a YPAS student in the Theatre or Musical Theatre department. When completing their application, students will see that they have to have a minimum amount of theatre experience. Each role in a production amounts to a certain amount of “points” depending on the role’s significance. To be inducted, the student must have at least ten points, five of which must come from a YPAS or Manual production. People may join by submitting an application, which can be accessed by emailing [email protected]. Applications will be due the day of the February Crimson Hour.  

National Honor Society for the Dance Arts

What is it?

The mission of the National Honor Society for the Dance Arts on a national level is to recognize leadership, merit, and both artistic and scholastic achievement for students studying dance. At YPAS specifically, they focus on creating a four-class environment that stimulates community and helps freshman dancers become more integrated and connected to the dance community. Once students join, they attend meetings and have to complete an additional 15 points per year. Points are awarded for different levels of participation for dance, leadership, and scholastic/community service activities. One point is awarded for every 45 hours of YPAS dance classes, for example. They meet at least once a month in the YPAS Annex.

How do you join?

There is no fee to join and dance majors can join once they have successfully earned 30 points and are inducted at either the Fall or Spring dance Informance. 

National Art Honor Society

What is it?

The mission of the National Art Honors Society is to serve their community through art and raise awareness for visual arts throughout the Manual community. Since they have no requirements necessary to join, they just ask that people who join are motivated to be involved in club projects. There are no set requirements to maintain membership, except member participation, and there are no requirements for weekly attendance. They meet every Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in Mrs. Clinkingbeard’s room in 354.

How do you join?

To become a member students can show up ready to actively participate and become involved.

Sociedad Honoria Hispanica

What is it?

The mission of Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica is to promote the Spanish culture amongst their members and encourage them to do community service related to promoting that culture. They do their best to support organizations that directly affect Hispanic people, such as La Casita, Adelante, and Backside Learning. Once in the society, there is no hour requirement to remain in it, but if they have a total of 10 hours from their junior and senior year students may receive a cord for graduation, and if they have 20, they may receive a stole. The society will meet during Crimson Hour, but not regularly.

How do you join?

Students must be a sophomore at least and pay a $30 fee in order to join the society. Students must be in a Spanish class and can pick up applications in Ms. Lenihan’s room in February. 

SHH members Peter Thai (11), Thomas Neuteufel (11), Holly Smith (11), Laura Daley (10), and Nora Mattingly (11) play a name-game at the social.

Latin Honor Society

What is it?

The mission of the Latin Honor Society is to recognize achievement in Latin class and encourage further study. Students must have at least 10 hours per year. They do not have regular meetings, but they do have a banquet in the fall.

How do you join?

Students are required to have taken at least Latin 3 and maintained all As in their Latin classes. There is no fee to join. Students should contact Ms. Shiroma if they’re interested in joining the honor society.

French National Honor Society

What is it?

The mission of the French National Honor Society is to enrich students that are currently or have taken French about the culture and ways they can use it within our community. and to have at least four service hours. The society offers opportunities to teach French to students at Cochran Elementary School. Students are required to maintain an A in their French classes, a 3.5 GPA overall and come to 75% of the meetings. They meet in Madame Villon’s Room either the first or third Wednesday of the month.

How do you join?

The society only accepts sophomores or older, so the common requirement is to have taken at least French 2. Members are required to pay a $15 fee. Students should talk to their French teacher if they’re interested in joining.