How is COVID-19 affecting Manuals magnets?

Laila Hill

Manual students are continuing to attend school virtually due to COVID-19. Each magnet faces individual problems as they adapt around NTI obstacles.


HSU has not faced too many changes as they continue to follow the regular Manual NTI schedule. Due to condensed classes, many teachers have resorted to assigning individual work for self-teaching, and explanation videos.

“This magnet hasn’t experienced many changes, but now that we’re in quarantine, the most significant change is simply the online courses and a heavier workload,” Kennedy Hampton (11, HSU) said.


In J&C, students are working around not having access to certain technologies. For journalism students (and those on staffs) in need of Mac computers, scheduled days are being made for pick-up. Publication staffs are not able to print physical copies of their magazines due to JCPS’ printers being shut down, so they have resorted to virtual publication. 

“In J&C everything is very organized I believe. My Journalism 2 class meets once a week and my yearbook class meets 2-3 times a week,” Caroline Toler (10, JC) said.


The biggest setback MST currently has is having no access to labs, after-school activities and clubs related to the magnet. Before COVID-19, many MST classes used labs for their lesson plans or had after school events, but now students are following either a 40 or 80 minute class period. 

“They [teachers] can only go over worksheets or answer questions in that time, so they have to post videos for students to learn the actual content,” Srikar Sirvisetty (10, MST) said.


For VA, the biggest difficulty for some students is the lack of art supplies and spacing at home. Teachers are making an effort to supply students, and have scheduled pick up days. 

“It’s a lot harder to get things done without all of the resources we have in the art program, like the sewing machines, saws, and printing equipment,” Allie Floden (12, VA) said.

The VA workload has been consistent, as they are completing the usual amount of work that would be assigned in school.


Due to all YPAS concerts being canceled, instructors are requiring students to submit clips of them performing their music piece, and are adding each student’s recordings together to imitate a concert. Additionally, other music-related activities that go against COVID-19 guidelines have been canceled.

“Some opportunities I’ve missed out on because of online school is not being able to do marching band,” Zoe Highbaugh (11, YPAS) said. 

The most significant change that YPAS is facing is having to practice individually. Due to sound delay from Microsoft teams, students have resorted to submitting recordings for their grade. 

“I’m not sure of what to expect for YPAS if we return, I know there are masks being made to wear while playing instruments so maybe we will use those,” Zoe Highbaugh (11, YPAS) said.