Everything you need to know about upcoming testing dates

Design by Ofelia Mattingly.

Ofelia Mattingly

The majority of standardized testing is rapidly approaching alongside the final days of the school year. The month of May holds AP tests, KPREP, the ACT and more. Here’s some information covering the different upcoming tests and potential days to highlight in your agenda. 


This school year KPREP will be administered to sophomores and juniors, with sophomores taking reading and math and juniors taking science and on-demand writing. KREP testing is currently set to occur between May 10 and May 27, with more details to come. 

In-person students will be required to take KPREP; those who opted to stay virtual can choose whether or not to participate. Virtual students need to fill out the necessary Google Form in their Class of 2022/23 Google Classroom stream indicating their preference. 


The last Manual administered ACT for this school year is on May 5 and is only available to juniors who are either in Group B or virtual and who wish to take the paper/pencil format of the test. These students will have already signed up and submitted their preference with Ms. Romans. 

Juniors should look to their Class of 2022 stream for additional details and the instructions Ms. Romans sent out, which covers necessary materials to bring and more. You may also receive an email from Ms.Romans prior to your testing date. Students are required to arrive at school at 7:30 a.m. and will have to have a ride when testing concludes around noon (unless Ms. Romans is contacted for arranged transportation home). 

AP Testing 

There are three different possible administration dates, depending on the format and type of AP test you are taking:


  • 1st Administration: May 3-17 (Paper, in-person)
  • 2nd Administration: May 18-28 (Digital, in-person and at home)
  • 3rd Administration: June 1-11 (Digital, in-person and at home)

Students’ AP teachers should notify them of what date and time their exam will be held, as well as specify the format. The calendar for AP tests at Manual can be found here.

Students who chose to take all of their tests digitally may have a schedule different from their peers. Any student taking a digital exam will remain at home to test and should follow the explicit instructions CollegeBoard has provided pertaining to this format. 

Students attending an in-person exam should note that each exam takes approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete, so make sure to schedule your ride home accordingly if it’s not your day to attend in-person or if you’re cleared for early dismissal. Those who have an 8 a.m. exam will report directly to their testing location, while those who have an exam at noon will either ring the bell at the front of the building to come in (for virtual students or in-person students coming in on a day they typically don’t attend) or be dismissed from class by a teacher ( in-person students who are attending that day). 

More information about AP exam specifics, such as what to bring or how makeup exams work, can be found in the Google Classroom counseling stream. Students may also contact Ms. Romans if they have any further questions or concerns.