Comprehensive club list for the 2021-22 school year

What kind of clubs are available at Manual for 2021-22? Photo courtesy of Isabella Bonilla

Isabella Bonilla

Manual has a wide variety of clubs, most of which are open to any and everyone. Clubs never discriminate based on magnet, sex, gender, race or orientation. Any limitations that are set come from a try-out (Science Olympiad, Quick Recall, Problem-Solvers, etc.) or having to be a certain grade level (Steering Committee). The diverse array of clubs available make for a unique experience and can provide ample social or self discovery opportunities. After school activities help connect students with common interests, provide leadership roles and can make for a character building addition to any resume. 

This information has been filled out and updated to the best of knowledge. Not all clubs meet every week and schedule changes may occur. Students may benefit from contacting a sponsor, following the Remind code or checking before going to a meeting for the first time.

If a student has further information, updates or questions they should contact the editor of this article.

It’s also noted that students may propose their own club, but need a teacher/admin sponsor and confirmation of so many students guaranteed to join. New club proposals must be approved via the New Club Process. Contact Mr. Zuberer at for further details about new club proposals, or ask your potential sponsor.