On December 12, 2011, JCPS Superintendent Dr. Donna Hargens discussed her visit to duPont Manual to help create a video for The President Project.
The President Project is the Class of 2012 invitation to President Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address at their graduation. Dr. Hargens, along with many other politicians and education representatives, have publicly endorsed the President Project
Superintendent Hargens was not the only person on the Board of Education excited about the project. Board Representative Larry Hujo of District 7 showed his excitement after the meeting. “I think it would be pretty terrific to have a President of the United States deliver Manual’s commencement address. Having students attempt this is very admirable,” Hujo said.
The President Project has also created excitement in Manual’s Senior Class. One student, Joshua Crowder (12), said, “The President Project reminds me of the plot of one of those really corny ‘80’s movies where the main protagonists have a slim chance at greatness. Only I feel that unlike a movie, our dream of achieving such an amazing feat is all but a fabricated movie script. We can do this.”
For more information about The President Project and the full list of endorsers, visit thepresidentproject.com.