R/W Week: Manual has its first full pep rally in over two years

Morgan Schmidt

Zuberer faces the juniors and freshmen as he announces that he attended Male. Photo by Morgan Schmidt

Morgan Schmidt

Manual’s annual Red/White Week pep rally was in full swing on Friday. After not being able to fill Butch Charmoli Gymnasium for a pep rally the past 2 years, it was filled with excitement and spirit leading up to Friday’s game against Lousiville Male High School.

As everyone settled into their seats, administrators began with several introductory speeches and announcements, following a performance by the cheerleaders.

Then the first competition between classes began, starting with a relay race, which the seniors won. Afterwards, the girls’ track team was given a special shoutout for their back-to-back state titles.

The second competition was a marshmallow eating contest, the freshmen taking home the winning title.

Purr Snickety, the Ramstock winner, performed, followed by musical chairs. Then the Manual Dazzlers exclusively shared a dance that will be used for their upcoming competition. 

The Dazzlers performance led into the Powderpuff Dazzlers/Cheerleaders performances, with the Powderpuff Cheerleader MVP being given to Austyn Peak (12,HSU). 

The step team, the Manual Dreamers, was up next in performing; then two students were randomly drawn to pie a teacher of their choice in the face.

The cheerleaders performed one last routine before Athletic Director Zube made his last remarks, where he infamously announced his attendance to Male High School for his education.

Last but certainly not least, the seniors defeated the other classes for the spirit stick.