The Student YMCA is gearing up to participate in the Kentucky United Nations Assembly on March 24-26 at the Galt House. This is the first year the conference will be held downtown due to an increased amount of participation. Manual’s delegation for the conference is the biggest in recent history. They will be representing three countries: Venezuela, El Salvador, and Lebanon.
Ellen Everett (11), the club’s President, is excited for the conference, where she will be chairing some of the summit meetings. “I really wanted to run for office,” Everett said, “but didn’t get to. So to know that I’m that respected in the Y community is fabulous.”
Other members of the conference will be writing legislature to be proposed at the conference. The proposal is supposed to solve a problem in the nation the student represents. Jenna Farineau (9) plans to author a proposal. “I’ve been doing a lot of research about Venezuela and they seem to be having lots of economical problems and since they’re one of the world leaders in oil sales it puts a damper on things,” Farineau said, “so i want to try and help fix that in some way. I have no set solution right now though.”
The club was excited to be at the conference, and looked for ward to their experience. “Manual is going to rock it this year, basically. We’ve got killer bill ideas and authors, and the biggest club to date.” Everett said, “I feel like we’re going to have a lot more participation than usual.”