HSU 101 trucks on


Guest Contributor

This piece was submitted by Laila Hill (10, J&C)

This semester at Manual, the High School University magnet (HSU) added a new required class to its magnet in which students rotate through six classes to learn a variety of life skills.

This class was added to provide an opportunity for freshmen HSU students to have beneficial core classes pertaining to their magnet. 

“We wanted something that would give the kids some type of bond like MST or J&C classes have,” Michael Starling (Science) said. 

Initially, Starling had concerns of how rotations would play out, as well as how students would communicate in the class and grading issues. 

“I felt there would be some bumps in the road as we worked out some of the transitions, what we wanted the class to achieve, and grades,” Starling said, “It doesn’t rotate well in Infinite Campus.”

But the administration figured the kinks out pretty quickly.

“After the first rotation, it went smoothly, and everything worked out,” said Starling.

Not only have teachers expressed their gratitude with the program so far, but students felt it has been beneficial to them.

“HSU 101 is basically a culinary taste test. You get to rotate every six weeks and have a different class, so we can learn to write and speak, then next rotation, its food and nutrition,” Jovanne Okyere (9, HSU) said, “I like it because it lets you experience things and is helpful in school and real life.”

“If you are not used to having a new class every six weeks, it’ll be hard, but that’s what HSU 101 sets you up for,” Jovanne said. 

“The hardest part for me was remembering my way to the class, and the first rotation. It was kind of confusing,” Tobias Chudgar (9, HSU) expressed, “But the most fun part was breaking out of my shell. In that class, I’ve made a bunch of really good friends and learned a lot.”