R/W Week OPINION: Top Roastmas jokes and why students should Tweet responsibly


KC Ciresi

Students head to class and admire the festive decorations for R/W Week.

Isabella Bonilla

“Roastmas” refers to the ongoing Twitter tradition where Male and Manual students exchange roasts in anticipation of the big game Friday night. Unlike the posters strewn throughout the halls on Red/White week, this is a public affair that can be viewed simply by looking through the #roastmas tag. 

Here are some of RedEye’s top picks of #roastmas tweets that are actually funny. 



Students have raised concerns about Roastmas in the past, citing cyberbullying issues as well as highly inappropriate behavior stemming from both sides. This includes racist, classist, homphobic and even downright vulgar comments, which have no place in what’s supposed to be a unique and lighthearted twist on the years-old rivalry. 

“For me, Male took Roastmas way too far. They attacked individuals and brought in their gender, race or sexual orientation as insults. It has always been a tradition to look forward to but if Male doesn’t address all of the bullying they did online, Manual kids are just going to keep getting personally insulted for no reason,” Dylan Fox (YPAS, 12) said.

This inappropriate behavior coming from high schools serves as a poor reflection of the integrity, honor and discipline these institutions teach and uphold. While the roasting trend is fun and can be a comedic experience, it’s also important to keep in mind that it can be easily spoiled with hate and excess aggression. Let’s not confuse a lighthearted rivalry with actual abhorrence. Let’s take a stand as students to post responsibly and be able to look back without shame or be able to show others how witty we were.