What to expect for homecoming week
The unified basketball team watches in anticipation to see who will make the first basket of the game. Photo by Molly Gregory.
February 5, 2022
The basketball homecoming game will be held on Tuesday, February 8, with an exact time yet to be announced. Our boys will go up against Atherton for what will hopefully be their 14th win of the season.
Things will look a bit different from past years’ basketball homecoming, as have many things due to the pandemic and social distancing guidelines. As with all JCPS indoor facilities, masks will be required.
There will be no homecoming dance this year; however, students will still see a themed spirit week and pep rally.

One senior had a unique perspective on what future dress up days could hold.
“I wish more creativity went behind these themes, mainly because I don’t know how many people actually own a tracksuit and this will also be the last theme week I get to participate in as a senior. I know some schools do days where each grade wears something different and I think that would’ve been really fun,” Jordyn Coyle (12, J&C) said.
The pep rally will be held in the large gym next Friday and will be similar to the fall football pep rally. This means that only seniors will be able to attend in-person, with the rest of the school watching a live stream via the NFHS network. The administration has continued using this method so that social distancing is met and that being able to have a pep rally at all is possible. Seniors were chosen as the ones to attend in-person because it’s their last year being able to do such, while younger students have future opportunities.
This decision still upsets some students, who feel that more should be able to share in the experience.
“I feel like homecoming should’ve been more of the students’ choice and juniors should be able to go to the pep rally as well. We deserve the experience too,” Poorva (11, MST) said.
The Male v. Manual game will be held at Manual on Feb. 11 (the same day as the pep rally), making for another interesting twist during homecoming.