From March 28 through 30, Ms. Laura Spiegelhalter (Relationships) and Ms. Robin Cash (Life Skills) will be taking FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America) to the annual State Meeting at the Galt House; they will arrive at the Galt House Wednesday morning and will leave by the end of the school day on Friday.
During this time, members will be competing against other schools for STAR (Students Taking Action for Recognition) events; anyone who wins a STAR event or State Office will go on to the National Meeting in Orlando, Florida during July 8-12. “We will be attending meetings about leadership and becoming better citizens and family members,” Ms. Cash said.
“The hardest part for me will be giving a speech,” Dearing said. “It’s really hard for me to speak in front of people.”
FCCLA will also be present at a formal banquet Thursday night to recognize state officers before new officers are installed the next day .Currently, FCCLA has one regional officer, Tabitha Mitchell (10) (VP of Parliamentary Law) and one state officer candidate, Layla Schmiedeler (11). Schmiedeler will find out March 29 if she is a finalist; if so, she will find out the following day what office position she will assume.
The STAR events competitors from duPont Manual are listed below:
Hannah Botts (11) and Elena Zuber (11) – Applied Technology
Sarah Slayton (10) and Ashly Summers (10) – Entrepreneurship
Samantha Dearing (10) – Fashion Construction
Evan Allen (10), Madison Fraser (10) and Moriah Barley (10) – Focus On Children
Brigette Schuman (10) – Job Interview
Taylor Duncan (12) -Leadership
Emma Roberson (12) -Recycle and Redesign
Brooke Morris (12) -Teach and Train