“Stage Door” opened on Thursday April 25 in the YPAS Experimental Theatre. The show circles around a boarding house full of unemployed Broadway singers trying to find business on the streets on New York. “The play contains many laughs and the characters are played very well,” Darren Aponte (10) said.
Sarah Kowalski (10) plays the main character Terry Randall. You follow her through her struggles to stay true to her real love, theatre, rather than hitting in on the big screens in Hollywood. “Having to play Terry was very fun and not a character I am used to playing, it was nice trying something new and I really enjoyed it,” said Kowalski.
Students from all grades, from freshman to senior year were cast in this production. Lars Hafell (9) was cast only in a small role in his first production at YPAS. “Even though it was a small party I am still happy I got any role at all,” said Haffel.
“Stage Door” will continue its performances on May 1st, 2nd, and 16th at 10:30am and two more performances on May 17th and 18th at 7:30pm.