Thanksgiving Break
There will be no school from Wednesday, Nov. 22 to Friday, Nov. 24 due to Thanksgiving break.
YPAS Performances
YPAS will host two showings of Sophisticated Ladies for students and staff during school on Monday, Nov. 20 and Tuesday, Nov. 21 at 10 a.m.
Manual Spirit Wear
The girls’ soccer team is selling Manual spirit wear. Spirit wear can be purchased from the girls’ soccer 2017 store until Nov. 26. The orders will arrive in time for Christmas.
Breast Cancer Donation
Manual donated over $1,300 to the American Cancer Society after the fundraiser at the football game against St. Xavier.

Quick Recall
Manual’s quick recall team defeated Male on Wednesday, Nov. 15 by a score of Manual 54 (BR 10) to Male 22 (BR 4) and Manual 58 (BR 10) to Male 32 (BR 4)
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union held a sit-in on Tuesday, Nov. 14 where students sat on the steps of center hall to call for the removal of Principal Jerry Mayes. The full story can be found on RedEye.