Returning students will notice a lot of new things at Manual this year. Here are some of the most notable changes:
1. Building renovations
Many hallways and classrooms in the building will now have drop ceilings covering up older wiring and pipes as well as parts of the new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system Manual installed over the summer.

Manual’s Butch Charmoli Gymnasium now has air conditioning and LED lights.
The small gym now also features a drop ceiling and a large fan in the middle of the room.

Manual’s library, closed for most of the second semester last year, also underwent renovations. Mr. Farmer said that it should be open and functional soon after the school year begins.

Many of the classrooms were shifted around during this construction period and created new classrooms. Contractors working with JCPS Facilities added several additional classrooms, including in the MST wing, where many teachers moved to new rooms.

2. Crimson Hours
Manual’s Crimson Hour days have found their way into Manual’s permanent schedule, similar to last year. However, this school year, Crimson Hour will occur in the middle of each six weeks rather than at the end. This year’s Crimson Hour days are September 6, October 18, December 6, January 29, and March 20.
3. New staff
Since RedEye’s original post, Manual welcomed several new faculty. As of Tuesday August 13, this is the updated list:
- Meghan Alvey (math)
- Dawn Roy (math)
- Kenneth Stovall (math)
- David Robinson (health & PE)
- Josh Gillispie (health & PE)
- Dujuana Wilson (English)
- Jesse Simpson (chemistry)
- Julie Clinkenbeard (art)
- Jane Jones (YPAS theatre)
- Robert Upton (YPAS Design & Production)
- Deris Cox (YPAS security)
- Dwayana Garrett (ECE)
- Carrie Thomas (ECE)
- Tiffany Schneider (ECE)
- Chynese Johnson (front office)
- Elise Christensen (mental health counselor)
Many of these teachers will fill the vacancies that previously had assistant principals listed as the teachers. For example, during registration many students noticed that their schedule listed Ms. Vicki Lete as their chemistry teacher. Mr. Farmer said that she will not be teaching and her name was only listed as a placeholder.
Ms. Elise Christensen will serve as Manual’s mental health practitioner, a new position created at every JCPS school for the 2019-2020 school year.